Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Welcome to Double Yummy Too Much!

Hello and welcome to Double Yummy Too Much!

My name is Stevie and what a surprise, I love to cook! Welcome to my blog, which I've deliberately named, "Double Yummy Too Much," in honor of my Thai (ESL) mother who taught me how to cook. 

"Double Yummy Too Much" is one of her many cute (and funny) sayings she would utter after eating anything...yummy. Even though she has so many funny expressions (I'll have to write another blog about the rest of them), this one is my favorite. It's a saying that has always stuck with me and even now as an adult, a wife, and a mother, I still find myself squealing, "Double Yummy Too Much!!!" like a little kid after finishing a delicious meal (you can ask my husband, he is all too familiar with this expression). So when I finally decided to start a cooking blog (trust me, if you follow me on Instagram you know this has been a long time coming!) I knew there was no better name for it than this one. 

So a little bit about my background. I'm half-Thai, half-American, born and raised in Thailand so it automatically goes without saying that I most certainly grew up around GREAT food. If you know anything about Thai food, you'll know that it is bursting with flavors and believe it or not, as crazy as a dish might look, it's all pretty quick and easy to prepare. So yes, if you don't already own a wok, if we're going to be friends, you will need to run out and get one ASAP. I have a Calphalon Non-Stick Flatbottom Wok that comes with a lid that I use for almost everything I cook. You can get one pretty much anywhere: Bed, Bath, & Beyond, Macy's, Sears, and of course, Amazon. I would recommend THIS ONE. Even though Thai food is my all-time favorite cuisine, I promise you that this blog will be filled with a variety of recipes because let's be honest, I LOVE TO EAT and my palette does not discriminate against anything that's Double Yummy Too Much! 

In addition to Thai/Asian food, I also love cooking American and Italian foods - lots of pastas, sandwiches, soups, and salads (that I don't eat enough of..). Everything I choose to make is easy-peasy. I am all about efficiency - Cooking foods that offer big flavors that don't require too much time in the kitchen. Because honestly, whether or not you have a full time job or you're a full time parent, who really has time to cook anymore? The whole point of this blog is to make cooking fun and easy, and to help you decide on what to actually make (we all know that's half the battle)...and who knows, maybe you'll save some $$$ along the way (eating out is expensive!!!) and will feel a little healthier, too (Thai food is mostly gluten & dairy-free...but I can't say the same for the other stuff I make!). With this blog and my recipes, I'm going to help you minimize time in the kitchen so you can maximize time spent doing all the other things you love, like spending time with friends and family!

Last but not least, I do have to warn you that much like my Thai mother, I don't really measure anything...I go by taste, but for your sake I will try. However, please don't be afraid of the spices and the sauces we'll be using. If you're like me and you want your mouth burning like hot coals then don't be afraid to add more chilis or if something needs a little more salt, don't be afraid of the fish sauce! (But not too much! I hear Sodium's not so good for you...). Remember, cooking is all about balancing flavors so don't be afraid to experiment and tailor each recipe to your liking. 

Thanks so much for stopping by and I look forward to cooking with you!

Chokh Dee!


1 comment:

  1. Yay Stevie! I'm so excited to go on a food journey with you. My wok is ready for some fun new flavors and double yummy too much-ness
